Friday, July 9, 2010

Funnels and Stuff...

TASK 1:  Your group has been given a blank copy of both the funnel and modified analytic induction approaches, as well as two ziplock bags that contain the stages of each approach.  Your task is to correctly order the stages in each model.

Funnel Approach Template:

Modified Analytic Induction Approach Template:

Funnel Approach Terms:

Modified Analytic Induction Approach Terms:

TASK 2:  Now that you have the correct order of each stage for each model, you have been given two more ziplock bags which contain specific information regarding research being conducted on a constructivist approach to instruction in elementary school reading and mathematics, grades 2-4.  Your second task is to correctly place each descriptive card under the correct heading for each model.

Funnel Approach Explanations:

Modified Analytic Induction Approach Explanations:

TASK 3:  Choose one of the discussed models and apply it to the research question you are writing your own proposal on.